Oni proponus: ret'komput'il'et'o, tamen iu precizigas, ke oni povas ankaŭ foti, skani, spekti. Ŝajnas, ke tiuj modernaj aparatoj, eĉ se oni povas pere de ili fari multajn malsimilajn aferojn, ili estas esence poŝkomunikiloj aŭ Komunista Partio kaj eĉ pli ĝenerale: poŝretiloj. ­Latvia is a small Baltic country and was a republic of the former Soviet Union. Its living standards, however, would hardly make it Europe’s primary destination for immigration. Pasporta skani.

Lipolysis is accomplished sequentially and simultaneously by lipase in saliva and gastric juice in the infant’s stomach as inductors in autolytic digestion by bile-dependent lipase in breast milk and colipase-dependent pancreatic lipase in the ileum. Canada ices 003 class b motherboard drivers windows 7. Lipase was determined in blood serum of women in labor, in umbilical cord blood, in water, and in infant gastric content. According to the data obtained, the initial lipolysis potential of newborns is significantly lower than that of the mothers. It is developed during the first half of pregnancy so gestation period does not have a significant effect on it. Over a year of lactation period, the breast milk steatolytic activity decreases, with a lower rate compared with other breast hydrolytic activities.

Taking in the morning on an empty stomach, without stimulation, by spitting into the measured sterile. Opredelenie gemoglobina v syvorotke krovi. Tochilkina, N. Popova // Sovremennye metody v biohimii. 0.64 -kratkij-spravochnik-perelivaniju-krovi.pdf 2019-01-19T03:06:44+03:00 Daily.

If the steatolytic activity is low during the first month of lactation, it increases during the succeeding 4–5 months. In cases when steatolytic activity is high initially, it decreased during the following months. This indicates that the lipase content level has an effect on lipolysis at lactotrophy. Additional food and specifically bottle feeding strongly increased the steatolytic activity of duodenal content because of lipase exosecretion stimulation in the pancreas. In contrast, the steatolytic activity is decreased when mixed feeding is introduced. Assessment of lipolysis potential is important in choosing the feeding type for newborns and infants.

Blank Biohimii Krovi

Activity of lipase (U/ml) of duodenal contents in infants during the first year of life with different types of feeding (according to R.M. Kharkova [16]): 1) on an empty stomach; 2) on stimulation of pancreatic secretion by introducing 0.2% solution of HCl into the duodenum; and 3) on stimulation of secretion by the introduction of sunflower oil into the bowel.

Types of feeding: I) breastfeeding; II) mixed; III) bottle feeding CONCLUSION The hydrolysis of lipids in breast milk in the small intestine with natural lactotrophy is performed by lipases of saliva, gastric juice, milk, and pancreatic juice. The hydrolysis of lipids simultaneously proceeds by intrinsic and induced autolytic digestions. This is because of differences in theproperties of lipases, substrates they hydrolyze, and environment in which they are degraded. These processes depend on their location within the digestive tract, into different series of postnatal morphofunctional development of the digestive system of a nursing infant and its enzymatic potential.