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Contact us The community annotation is a new facility of the Pfam web site. If you have problems editing or experience problems with these pages please. Crystal structure of d-amino acid oxidase in complex with two anthranylate molecules Identifiers Symbol DAO clan Available protein structures:;; In molecular biology, the FAD dependent oxidoreductase family of proteins is a family of dependent.

Members of this family include, beta subunit,,. (DAMOX or DAO) is an FAD flavoenzyme that the of neutral and basic D- into their corresponding keto acids. DAOs have been characterised and in and where they are known to be located in the. (DASOX) is an enzyme, related to DAO, which catalyses the same reaction but is active only toward dicarboxylic D-amino acids. In DAO, a has been shown to be important for the 's activity. See also • • • • • • References. • Negri A, Ceciliani F, Tedeschi G, Simonic T, Ronchi S (June 1992).

'The primary structure of the flavoprotein D-aspartate oxidase from beef kidney'. 267 (17): 11865–71. • Miyano M, Fukui K, Watanabe F, Takahashi S, Tada M, Kanashiro M, Miyake Y (January 1991). 'Studies on Phe-228 and Leu-307 recombinant mutants of porcine kidney D-amino acid oxidase: expression, purification, and characterization'. 109 (1): 171–7. This article incorporates text from the and This page is based on a.