Shively – Power & Choice – 10, ISBN 007310678X. Neuroscience exploring the brain 3rd edition pdf free. Introduction to psychology gateways to mind. Power & Choice: An Introduction to Political Science by Shively, Political Science: An Introduction (13th Edition) by Michael G. Results 1 - 50 of 8272 Political science is an analysis of the various elements of politics, both on a personal 2.

Part One: The Idea of Politics Chapter 1. Politics: Setting the Stage Politics Politics as the Making of Common Decisions Politics as the Exercise of Power Politics as the Exercise of Choice Power and Choice Politics of the State Political Science The Pleasures of Politics Chapter 2. Modern Ideologies and Political Philosophy American Ideologies Liberalism The Conservative Reaction The Socialist Alternative Communism and Socialism Fascism Ideologies in the Twenty-first Century Religion, Politics, and Political Philosophy Political Philosophy in Other Historical Eras Part Two: The State and Public Policy Chapter 3. The Modern State The Development of the Modern State The Origin of States: Power or Choice?

The State as a Device to Provide Public Goods 'State,' 'Nation,' and the 'Nation-State' State-Building Government and the State Challenges to the State Some Possible Alternatives Example: State Building in Nigeria Example: State Building in the European Union Chapter 4. Policies of the State The Role of Government in the Third World Constraints and Conditions for Policy Defense Policy Education Research and Development Health and Social Welfare Democracy and Public Policy The Place of Power in Policy Analysis Example: The Demographic Challenge Example: Economic Development Compared with 'Human Development' Example: Uganda: An African AIDS Success Story Chapter 5. Economic Policy of the State Economic Performance 1: Growth Economic Performance 2: Controlling Inflation and Unemployment Managing Distribution to Address inequality Independent Central Banks Corruption Other Measures Available to Government Globalization: Are States Losing their Ability to Make Economic Policy? Political Economy Example: Economic Policy in Germany Example: Economic Policy in Indonesia Chapter 6. What Lies Behind Policy: Questions of Justice and Efficiency The Problem of Justice Other Aspects of Justice: Procedural Justice Effectiveness A Basic Question of Effectiveness: Authority Versus the Market The Need to Act, Even Under Uncertainty Example: Political Choice Part Three: The Citizen and the Regime Chapter 7. Democracy and Autocracy Democracy The Coming and Going of Democracy Possible Explanations What Did We Learn From the Third Wave? Why Are Prosperous Countries Likely to Be Democracies?

Democracy and Freedom Democracy and Capitalism Autocracy Military Government Why Aren't There More Military Governments? One-Party States Monarchies and Theocracies Democracy Versus Autocracy: Material Considerations 'Power and Choice' Again Example: Democratization in Spain Example: Fragile Democracy in Peru Example: Theocracy in Iran Chapter 8.

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