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Cordkillers Episode #3 We got them HBO Go Passwords here Recorded: January 20 2014 Guest:, Developer Intro Video • Primary Target • • Secondary Target • Signals Intelligence • Gear Up • Under surveillance • Front Lines • • • • • • On our radar • On Screen • Brian:, episode 1 (korea),, • Tom:,, • Tobias Hieta:, (soon), new season Dispatches from the front • Cricket Australia started offering streaming of the entire cricket season this yr for 19.99 - for Aussie IP addresses @strumpet101 • I was just listening to Spoiler Time 2, and wanted to throw my thoughts into whatever mix there is. With ad-supported television, it is not the viewer's responsibility to ensure that the ad is seen, or effective.

If we decide that the viewer has an obligation to the show/network/advertiser who is 'paying' for the show then we have a whole host of problems to deal with about viewers who mute the ads, change the channel (to another show that they're not 'paying' for) or otherwise somehow dilute the ad's effectiveness. I feel like in our consumer-focused economy we've been lulled into thinking that 'watching an ad' or paying for cable/netflix is the same as buying a good at the store. Services are not tangible items, and there's a lot of ambiguity as to what you gain when you pay for a service. When you pay for Netflix, you're not paying to watch a show.

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You're paying to access the system. It's even worse with cable (which is why we've all eschewed it, right?) With region-locked media, we're equating 'where you are' with 'should you be able to watch'. This is a really poor model, because it assumes consumption generally.

From tvlicensing.co.uk: 'You need a valid TV Licence if you use TV receiving equipment to watch or record television programmes as they’re being shown on TV.' I don't ever consume BBC programming when it's being shown on TV, I'm exempt! This of course, doesn't make sense. (I'm also fortunate in that I'm watching programs, rather than programmes, another exemption!) Likewise, the person in the UK who tunes in (yay for anachronism) a few times a year to watch a live special is paying the same fee as a person watching every night. While a lot of this comes across as ethical/moral justification, the counterbalance is that the people making these rules (both in ad-supported as well as pay-for TV) have left a large gap - and one that I suggest is there such that they do not wrap themselves up in legal red tape. Laws are things that function as double-edged swords for content providers. The Aereo stuff being a prime example.