0.8 -zhutkoe-video-kotoroe-pokazyivaet-ukus-komara-v-melchayshih-detalyah/.

This report argues that Israel’s deportations to Uganda violate Israel’s obligations under international law. Zayavlenie o perevode v druguyu koloniyu obrazec. Israel’s deportation policy is a way to abdicate its responsibility towards the refugees and asylum-seekers under its jurisdiction and shift it to less wealthy countries with bigger refugee populations. This pushes many to continue their journeys to other African countries or to Europe. Between 2015 and March 2018, Israel deported some 1,700 Sudanese and Eritrean asylum-seekers to Uganda. Upon arrival in Uganda, deportees find a shambolic reception, which leaves them without papers, without protection and without sustainable resources.

Although I rarely write about hair products, this time I'll make an exception. I don't like to write about these products for the simple reason that they rarely leave a large effect on the hair, so I can never give a certain comment on any of them. However, a new product line from Stevan Still attracted my attention, and in the following text you can read why in more detail. You may have already noticed new Stevan Still products in drug stores. There are 3 new StillPro hair product lines (argan, macadamia, and keratin), and each contains a shampoo, conditioner and a mask.

I've decided to try the line for dry and damaged hair with argan oil. Argan oil, which is contained in this product line has a double effect - it coats the hair making it shiny, but also compensates for the lack of lipids in the skin of the scalp and protects your hair from drying out. The whole line has the beautiful and rich fragrance that reminds me of the old hairdressing salons and shampoo and conditioners that we have used as kids. Floral, fruity and very refreshing scent.

Shampoo is nice because it creates a good foam and cleans hair well. I shampoo my hair twice, and even the first shampooing has quite a lot of foam. Conditioner is applied after the shampoo and massaged into the hair and scalp. It needs to stay on for 1 minute. It's a little rarer but nevertheless it smooths my dry hair well and makes combing easier.

I use this mask once a week instead of a conditioner. It is applied after the shampoo on towel dried hair. On the packaging it says it needs to stay on damp hair for 10-20 minutes. Honestly, I usually do not have time for this, and I leave it on for about 5 minutes. However, even with this shortened period of use, my hair is noticeable soft and very easy to comb.

I must note that I currently have very dry hair, with ends that get tangled a lot and I can barely comb them without these products. Also, mask won't make your hair greasy at all. Shampoo and conditioner come in a packaging of 500 ml, with a very well made dosing pump. The mask comes in a box of 250ml. All three products have the same price - 449 RSD. I also have to comment on the composition of these products. On the picture below from top to bottom you can see composition of shampoo, conditioner and mask.

Shampoo contains SLS and that's why it makes nice foam, but honestly I like that in shampoos. So, I do not mind when shampoos have SLS, although it is fashionable to avoid this ingredient. In conditioner the second ingredient is glycerin, but like other products it also containing parabens. The mask has, of course, the most interesting composition, and in addition to argan oil and glycerin, the mask also contains castor oil and it is high on the ingredient list. However it also contains Paraffinum Liquidum which just pretends to moisturize and smooths, and which I don't like.