One Tree Hill Torrent Season 1 Episode 1
Sep 23, 2003 Watch One Tree Hill Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot online. SideReel features links to all your favorite TV shows. 2d asset store.
Even before One Tree Hill reached 100 episodes and set a precedent in storytelling technique by leaping through time, the popular series consistently set high marks in the drama department. From creator Mark Schwahn, the series focuses on two very different brothers. Aside from basketball, Nathan Scott (James Lafferty) and Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray) have little in common — but the two young men share the same father, Dan (Paul Johansson). Arrogant, wealthy and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team. Quiet and driven, Lucas is a legendary player on the playground and the product of a working single mom, Karen (Moira Kelly). After growing up in opposite worlds in the same small town, the half-brothers find their lives colliding. In the middle of the crossroads is Peyton (Hilarie Burton), Nathan's beautiful girlfriend who may have more in common with Lucas, and Lucas' platonic best friend, Haley (Bethany Joy Galeotti).
Sophia Bush also stars as Brooke. Even before One Tree Hill reached 100 episodes and set a precedent in storytelling technique by leaping through time, the popular series consistently set high marks in the drama department. From creator Mark Schwahn, the series focuses on two very different brothers. Aside from basketball, Nathan Scott (James Lafferty) and Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray) have little in common — but the two young men share the same father, Dan (Paul Johansson). Arrogant, wealthy and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team.
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Quiet and driven, Lucas is a legendary player on the playground and the product of a working single mom, Karen (Moira Kelly). After growing up in opposite worlds in the same small town, the half-brothers find their lives colliding. In the middle of the crossroads is Peyton (Hilarie Burton), Nathan's beautiful girlfriend who may have more in common with Lucas, and Lucas' platonic best friend, Haley (Bethany Joy Galeotti). Sophia Bush also stars as Brooke.