Doklad Gruppy jekspertov po pravovym voprosam ob obespechenii otvetstvennosti sotrudnikov i jekspertov v komandirovkah Organizacii Ob'edinennyh Nacij za prestupnye dejanija, sovershennye vo vremja operacij po podderzhaniju mira. Content of number and summaries of articles Eurasian Law Journal № 10 (101) 2016.

Prospects of «Interekopravo» (Interecolaw) ideas of E. Wystorobets in Eurasia (the right of citizens to a healthy environment in the Kyrgyz Republic) The article deals with existing methods and guarantee the implementation and protection of the rights of citizens to a healthy environment in the Kyrgyz Republic. Disclosed detail institutes: the right of access to environmentally relevant information, public participation in environmentally significant decisions, environmental safety. Examples of violations of citizens' environmental rights, makes recommendations to improve the situation in the republic.

Eurasian Economic Union and Iran: the negotiation process and prospects of cooperation With the gradual lifting of international sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran it marks a new stage in the development of relations at the bilateral and multilateral levels. The Eurasian Economic Union is interested in developing a special relationship with Iran. The article analyzes the negotiation process on creation of Free Trade Zone, as well as promising areas of cooperation between the EAEU and Iran. Action of institute of privileges and immunities concerning the staff establishment of an international criminal justice The article discusses the specific effects of the institution of the immunities and privileges in respect of different categories of staff modern institutions of international criminal justice. Analyzed are international legal acts, in accordance with which the staff of the ad hoc tribunals and the International criminal court enjoy the same immunities in the state, which houses the headquarter of the international judicial body or where it meets. Practical importance of law interpretation in the modernization of legislation in Muslim states The article researches the problems of implementation of Islamic religious law in the modern world. It indicates that in some cases the need for innovation in the system of law of Muslim States is in conflict with Islamic norms.

Muslim jurists and legislators seek to resolve these conflicts by interpretation of Islamic requirements, including application of rational techniques and methods of interpretation. Moreover, the reception of European legislation and the systematic interpretation of secular and religious norms are used. Current issues of accountability of states and individuals in cases of international intervention The Article explores problems of accountability for serious crimes committed at States subject to measures to liquidate threats to international peace and security as provided by the UN Carter’s Chapter VII. Author substantiates the necessity for States to implement the principle of shared and common responsibility in the issues of eradication the lack of responsibility and selective justice at the relevant States– based on the new conventional norms regulating the problem of international interference in the internal affairs of States in the framework of the UN Charter. Methods of conflict resolution in Ukraine (2014-2016) With the end of the cold war and the collapse of the USSR, the Ukrainian crisis, in our opinion, is one of the most significant events in the sphere of international security and international relations. Over the past nearly two years we have written many analytical papers and articles on the topic of the Ukrainian crisis in Russia and in the West. Kuler na videokartu geforce 9600 gt 2017.