“It’s about the Trumpian times in which we live and how we got here,” he explained. Maher commended Moore for also going after Democrats in the film, which he described as being “honest with friends.” Moore admitted it was hard, because “I love President Obama; we may not have a better president in my lifetime.” Moore is no fan of the Dem Party’s “super delegates” and caucus states, and the way they treated Bernie Sanders. On Real Time, Moore savaged Obama for “coming to Flint and telling people the water was okay and it was still poisoned” and then pretending to drink a glass of water, which he called a stunt that “put a knife in the heart of so many people” in that community. The people of Flint, Moore explained, had been hoping Obama “would come, bring the Army Corps of Engineers, dig up these poisoned pipes and replace the pipes in the city.” “He didn’t do that, and then people gave up and a lot people stayed home” in election day. “You cannot talk to people who have suffered so much, especially in this town where their jobs were eliminated 30 year ago, then their economy was ruined, and their pipes poisoned,” said Moore, a Flint native. “Obama sent the Pentagon to use Flint as target practice, and, for 10 days an 10 nights in a row, they fired missiles and bombs” Moore claimed, leaving locals feeling “We’re nobody and America has forgotten us.” Flint is but one example of how Democrats “screw it up,” Moore said. “They’re the party of the people, they should be there for the people, they should fight for the people.” Moore seemed optimistic about the upcoming midterm elections, noting Maher’s contribution to Dem candidates, as if the late-night host needed reminding of the $1M he gave in August to the Senate Majority PAC – a fundraising committee dedicated to electing Dems to the Senate.

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“Where do you get this money?!” marveled Moore. “No divorces, no alimonies, no kids, no stupid hobbies like celebrities have,” Maher shot back. Maxim dl pro suite keygen “I don’t collect fucking cars or motorcycles, paintings, don’t do coke or hookers – all the crazy shit that people do, I don’t do That’s what I spend it on.” Maher boasted that $1M looked “a lot sillier five weeks ago when I did it, because the senate didn’t look like it was in play.” “It is in play; it is very much in play,” he smiled. Talk turned to Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged she was sexually assaulted by ’s Supreme Court nominee. Ford has had to move out of her house, owing to the death threats she has received, Maher told viewers, bemoaning our “death threat society” and pundits’ observations “this could get violent,” which he called “Trump’s next card to play” when Robert Mueller’s report comes out “or some other thing crashes down on him.” “I’ve already seen him talking: ‘If the Democrats take over, they’re very violent people,'” Maher scoffed. Moore then called Trump an “admitted sexual predator,” noting the former reality TV star had been quoted saying he would have dated teenage Ivanka were she not his daughter. “We let him get away with this.

The media lets him get away with this,” Moore scolded. “All his friends in the media: Les Moonves, Roger Ailes, the Bill O’Reilly’s, the Matt Lauers.” Maher noted Bill Shine, who was at Fox News during the Roger Ailes scandal, is now communications guru to Trump at the White House, where he has been prepping Kavanaugh to respond to Ford’s allegations at the upcoming Senate Judicial Committee hearing. “They’re always six degrees from sexual harassment, that party,” Maher snarked. Check out the video above.