October - December 2018 - Trustroots is hosting a Hackathon somewhere in the south of Portugal, Algarve, or the West Andalusia region of Spain, near the frontier for interested people to contribute with some volunteering mainly for Trustroots, but also a good place for people that want to get into the background of HitchWiki.

• 19 Febuary 2019 Reasearch: 'Please participate in the survey about emotional intelligence of hitchhikers if you haven´t done it yet.' Check • 1st - 24th December 2016 There is an advent calender on tramprennen.org. One story about 'first time-hitchhiking-experiences' is published everyday. Check • 15 November 2016 The first app ever published by Hitchwiki is now available for free (as always) on the Play Store.

Download it and keep track of the spots where you hitchhike, your waiting times and so on. In a future version the app will offer you an option to sync your hitching spots with Hitchwiki with no extra work. Special thanks to a random guy who gave an Android phone to one of our hitchhiking developers while traveling in Sweden! Nazvaniya

• 25 June 2016 A new official hitchhiking spot in the town of, in response to the insufficient public transport to. In addition a was created to encourage ridesharing on this route.