(Leningrad), 1969, Predpriiatiia bytovogo obsluzhivaniia Leningrada. (Leningrad), 1984, Telefonnyi spravochnik Leningradskoi telefonnoi seti.

The collection contains papers relating to the establishment of the Leningrad Popular front in the late 1980s, the elections to the Congress of People's Deputies in 1989, in which Patiev was actively involved, and the elections to the Leningrad Municipal Council in 1990, in which he was elected as a deputy. Both of these elections are significant in Soviet history, and Patiev's ample files of correspondence, notes, press, and campaign materials throw important light on the democratic processes at work during Perestroika.

The papers reflect Patiev's involvement with cultural projects through period documents as well as later recollections of particularly significant events. These cultural projects, especially the struggle to preserve architectural landmarks and historical monuments, were actually at the root of the emergence of the democratic movement in Leningrad during the 1980s. The appearance of new parties and movements in Leningrad/St. Petersburg in the early 1990s is also well documented in Patiev's papers.

Slavic and East European Studies The University of Chicago Library SELECT LIST OF NEW REFERENCE TITLES: EAST CENTRAL AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE AND COUNTRIES OF THE FORMER SOVIET UNION (February 1997) ALBANIA Basha, Ylvi. Fjalor mesimor anglisht-shqip. Tirane: Shtepia Botuese e Librit Shkollor, 1987. [PG9591.B37 1987 RR2S] Duro, Ilo. Fjalor shqip-anglisht = Albanian-English Dictionary. Tirane: Shtepia Botuese 'S.

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Historical Dictionary of Albania. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996. [DR927.H880 1996 RR2S] Regjistrimi i pergjithshem i popullsise e banesave 1989: rezultatet kryesore.

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Litovsko-russkii slovarchik: k pervym 20-ti litovskim skazkam v izdanii 'Lietuviu pasakos' (Vilnius, 1905): posobie dlia prakticheskikh zaniatii po iazykoviedieniiu i po 'sravnitel'noi grammatikie' i dlia samoobucheniia. Bugoiu pri uchastii I. Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk, 1912. [PG8682.R8B842 1912 Gen] Eesti rahvastik rahvaloenduste andmetel = Population of Estonia by Population Censuses.

Et geowizard tools. ET Surface 7.0 will follow suit in the third quarter of 2017. ET GeoWizards 12.0 is the first product which we release that can be used by all GIS professionals - no matter of their main GIS platform. The main products of the company - ET GeoWizards, ET GeoTools and ET Surface have been for more than 15 years the leading third party ArcGIS data processing/editing extensions and have thousands of registered users in more than 70 countries on 6 continents.

Tallinn: Eesti Statistikaamet, 1995- 1996. [HA1460.3.E3450 1995 RR2S] Kas yra kas Lietuvoje 1993. Vilnius: Politika, 1993. [DK505.84.K37 RR2 and Gen] Kniuksta, Pranas. Mokomasis lietuviu kalbos rasybos ir kirciavimo zodynas.


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