Corelap layout software. To stay healthy, the body needs its zzz’s. But independent of slumber, human health also appears to require plenty of darkness — especially at night. Or so suggests a pair of new cancer studies. One found that among postmenopausal women, the lower the overnight production of melatonin — a brain hormone secreted at night, especially during darkness — the higher the incidence of breast cancer. The second study correlated elevated prostate cancer incidence around the world with places that have the brightes.

Eksperimental'nye dannye i opyt ekspluatatsii pokazyvayut,chto k takim rezhimam otnositsya plavanie sudna v usloviyakh subgarmonicheskikh i supergarmonicheskikh rezonansnykh rezhimov.Prichinoy ikh vozniknoveniya yavlyaetsya nelineynoe vzaimodeystvie korpusa sudna i zhidkosti.