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1793 Range of Apis cerana Apis cerana, the eastern honey bee (or the Asiatic honey bee), is a species of found in southern and southeastern Asia, including China, Pakistan, India, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Australia. This species is the of and both are in the same subgenus as the western (European) honey bee,. Cerana is known to live sympatrically along with within the same geographic location. Apis cerana colonies are known for building nests consisting of multiple combs in cavities containing a small entrance, presumably for defense against invasion by individuals of another nest. The diet of this honey bee species consists mostly of and,. Moreover, Apis cerana is known for its highly social behavior, reflective of its classification as a type of.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Taxonomy and phylogeny [ ] Danish zoologist described Apis cerana, also known as the Eastern or Asian honey bee, in 1793. The genus name is Latin for “bee.” The Asiatic honey bee is of the family, one of the most diverse families of bees, including common,,,,, and even. In the past, there has been discussion that Apis cerana and are simply distinct races of the same species. This is essentially due to overwhelming similarities in both morphology and behavior, as both are medium-sized bees (10-11mm) that generally build multiple comb nests inside cavities. Other species, including the giant honey bees and, generally construct nests consisting of a single comb in open areas. However, despite the striking similarities between Apis cerana and Apis mellifera, there is evidence to suggest that these two species are quite distinct; for example, mating between these species does not produce offspring.


In addition, while colonies can reach sizes of up to 50,000 or more individuals, Apis cerana colonies are relatively small, with only around 6,000 to 7,000 workers. Morevoer, Apis cerana is found predominantly in the Eastern Asian region of the world, while is found predominantly in the Western European and African region of the world. For these reasons, it has now been concluded that these are in fact two separate species, contrary to prior beliefs. Subspecies [ ] According to (1999): • Fabricius (= sinensis) (Chinese honey bee) -,, northern,, and northern • Engel (black Chinese honey bee) • Fabricius - (Indian honey bee), Southern India,,,,, and the • Fabricius - (Japanese honey bee), • - (Javan honey bee) • Skorikov - (Sumatran honey bee) • Tingek, Koeniger and Koeniger - (Bornean honey bee) • Engel (= himalaya) - (Himalayan honey bee) Central and eastern mountains (Ruttner, 1987) Eight subspecies of A. Cerana are currently recognized. Of these, two subspecies are predominant and used for: A.

Cerana and A. These species are similar to, except in color. Indica has black stripes on its abdomen, lives close to hilly areas and is sometimes seen in plains regions.

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Cerana has yellow stripes on its abdomen and is habituated to plains regions of. Can be readily distinguished from A. Cerana due to its slightly larger size. Description and identification [ ] The physical characteristics of Apis cerana individuals are very similar to those of other species in the genus. The individuals in this genus are defined by long, erect hairs that cover the compound eyes and assist in pollen collection, strongly convex, and a jugal lobe in the. Adult Apis cerana are black in color, with four yellow abdominal stripes. There are also distinctions between worker bees, queens, and drones.